
the starting point

I engage employees, management, and other stakeholders in open dialogues and workshops, as it creates a sense of ownership from the start. This participatory approach ensures that the DEI plan is grounded in the real experiences and aspirations of the people within the organization. It encourages employees to contribute to the collection and analysis of relevant DEI data, fosters transparency and trust, lead to a more accurate and authentic understanding of the organizational climate.

The process is designed based on key steps:

  • Data Gathering: collecting information on current DEI policies, organizational culture, and employee demographics, to gain an accurate snapshot of where the organization stands. This informs the direction of future strategies.
  • Stakeholder Interviews: Engaging various stakeholders helps in understanding perceptions and experiences, directly influencing the identification of challenges and opportunities within the organization.
  • Survey Analysis: Standardized tools measure aspects of diversity and inclusion, allowing for more targeted interventions. These analyses highlight the areas where the organization excels and where it falls short
  • Gap Analysis: This identifies where the organization might not meet DEI best practices, leading to tailored recommendations.
  • Report Development: A comprehensive report is created, outlining findings and challenges, which becomes a critical roadmap for implementation.